Sustainability Statement

We want to own the environmental and social impacts of our operations and are committed to actively managing and minimising our carbon footprint. While we are a small independently Australian owned business, we are aware that we are a part of the global fashion industry and that this industry is responsible for almost 8% of global carbon emissions.

Taking responsibility for our environmental impact is important to us, in a world where natural resources are limited, we are always working on ways to improve our efficiency and sustainability. We work hard to reduce our direct environmental impact year on year and encourage our suppliers and to do the same. 

At the Big Fashion Sale we have a mission to reject the principles of fast fashion which we action by working with suppliers who fit either any or all of the below categories:

  • Are smaller local brands rather than large chain enterprises

  • Offer Pre-loved or Vintage

  • Provide locally sourced and produced garments

  • Are made from high-quality materials that will last

  • Are brands that design smaller collections, which are released twice or maximum of three times per year.



Avoiding Landfill

End of season stock can often be difficult for brands and retailers to sell and sadly some items can end up in landfill or in the case of fast fashion retailers they may even incinerate what they often call ’dead stock’. The Big Fashion Sale fashion offers brands and retailers an opportunity to continue the life cycle of their products and avoid them ending up in a landfill.


Taking Care

We encourage our customers to consider the environmental impact when cleaning their purchases.

Be mindful during the laundering process to minimise your environmental footprint. Natural fibres tend to require less laundering, especially in summer. Unless something is visibly dirty, take the challenge to wear your garments at least three times before they hit the laundry.

Reducing Plastic Use

In 2015 we stopped offering plastics bags to our customers. We now offer paper bags only and encourage our customers only to take one if they really need to.

We have also been working to ensure that our suppliers deliver their goods with as little plastic packaging as possible.

All plastic hangers will be returned to suppliers to be re-used.



From Jan 2020 we will be expanding our selection of pre-loved items. Buying second-hand is perhaps one of the easiest ways for consumers to understand that they are, without doubt, choosing a more sustainable option than buying new.

Research by the Bureau of International Recycling shows that rescuing a kilogram of clothing from landfill can help save up to 3.6 kilograms of CO2 emissions and 6,000 litres of water consumption.

High-Quality Products

We encourage our customers to reject the impulse to buy low quality fast fashion items each season in favour of investing in high-quality pieces that will last season after season.

Research by WRAP in the UK shows extending the average life of clothes from 2.2 years by just three months of active use per item would lead to a 5-10% reduction in each of the carbon, water and waste footprints.